April Opportunities and a Limo Ride

31 March 2011

I always try to respect your in-box, and only communicate when I feel you might benefit from information that will help you and those close to you. Usually this occurs once a month, so here’s some exciting April news:

I will be giving the keynote talk during lunch (11:30-2:00) at Thom Scott’s Extreme Business Makeovers event in Orlando on April 30: http://www.ExtremeBusinessMakeovers.com, (details below)

XBM, as it is known, is one of my favorite events of the entire year. I only associate with individuals of integrity who deliver meaningful, life-enriching content. Thom Scott and his line-up of presenters at XBM are such people.

If you would like to experience XBM this year, I would like to invite you to come as my guest, at no charge to you. Take a moment to visit the above XBM link. It is full of great information. If you would like to attend as my guest all you need to do is purchase any two (2) items from our online store:https://www.frank-mckinney.com/entire_store.asp.

Limousine Bonus: If the sum of your online store order exceeds all others (thus further benefiting CHPF) you and a guest will have the opportunity to ride to or from the Orlando event in my limo, and spend some one-on-one time with me and Nilsa!

Yes, you and a guest will have me and Nilsa captive to discuss your dreams, ideas, challenges or questions for three hours – and attend a great conference at the same time! If you don’t want to order anything (or don’t even want to stay for the conference), but want to spend time with me and Nilsa in my limo, call Anne at 561.722.3950 with your highest “limo ride bid” today!

Remember, proceeds from your online store purchase or “limo ride bid” benefit our Caring House Project Foundation! Once you make your purchase we will send you a special code to register as my personal guest for XBM. I assure you that this is one impactful experience you will treasure.

If you want more information please call 561.722.3950, you can also place your online store order over the phone.

April Events:

April 30: Frank McKinney keynotes Thom Scott’s “Extreme Business Makeovers 2011,” Caribe Royale Suites, 8101 World Center Drive, Orlando, FL 32821. Info:www.extremebusinessmakeovers.com, or 407.745.1745

April 8: Frank appearing at “Dead Fred, Flying Lunchboxes, and the Good Luck Circle Day” at St. Andrews School, Boca Raton, FL. If you’re a parent, teacher or administrator call 561.722.3950 to schedule a similar event at your school!https://frank-mckinney.com/books_dead_fred.aspx#day

Upcoming in June (secure your spot today):

We will again be “selectively suffering a little in the Death Valley desert for those who suffer a lot without choice in Haiti,” and will use my participation at the 135-mile Badwater Ultramarathon as our Caring House Project Foundation’s primary fundraiser this year at an event titled:

“From Hell (Badwater) to Haiti and Back”

This exciting, 3-tiered event is scheduled for late June, and will be the only one in 2011 that I will personally host here in South Florida AND in Haiti.

Tier 1: $1 for every mile of my 2011 Badwater race, or $135. Let me do all the running and struggling. I ask that you help those who can’t help themselves. Donate here, and you’re done. No event attendance, but you can apply your $135 toward Tier 2 or Tier 3 up until June 20 should you want to. I thank you in advance if you choose Tier 1.

Tier 2: $10 for every mile, or $1,350. For your Tier 2 donation you will attend two action-packed days in South Florida; touring some of the oceanfront mansions I have created, participating in the “leave your fears behind” evening coffin exercise, attending a VIP private dinner at my oceanfront home with a special guest, spending individual time in my oceanfront treehouse with me, and most importantly, learning from The Power of Plan so you can:

  • Identify a meaningful, yet seemingly insurmountable change/challenge that will leave your life forever improved
  • Identify three different forms of goals (Minimum, Default and Primary) that you will associate with your new endeavor
  • Manage the risk associated with your change/challenge
  • Overcome the fear that comes with contemplating risk (the “leave your fears behind coffin exercise” will help!)
  • Identify then involve your team prior to formulating your Power of Plan
  • Create, codify, trust, implement, execute, monitor, adjust, trust again, execute again, then succeed with your Power of Plan!
  • And much more! :

Tier 3: $30 for every mile, or $4,050. For your Tier 3 donation you will receive all of the above found in Tier 2, PLUS two additional days in Haiti touring a completed CHPF village, Sean Penn’s tent city, visiting an orphanage or school, witnessing some of the earthquake after effects, and more. All of your expenses in Haiti (hotel, transportation, food, drink, security, translators, etc.) are covered by your donation except your flight to/from Haiti. Your $4,050 donation will build one complete concrete home for a family of 8 in Haiti!

If you are interested to learn more about Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 for the From Hell (Badwater) to Haiti and Back event in June please call 561.722.3950.

Don’t forget I will be relying heavily on my new Power of Plan DVD to get me to the finish line at Badwater this year. If you don’t have your copy, visit this link to learn more: https://frank-mckinney.com/powerofplan/.

Feel The Tap…,