Recent Press, For the first time and probably the last…

10 April 2014

After 25+ years in the making, for the first time and probably the last… Make it BIG Event – The Anti-Seminar The is more of an experience. Motivation washes off in the shower, inspiration fades like the effects...

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Meet Frank McKinney

25 Years in the Making – Almost Ready

04 April 2014

I’ve spent the last 25+ years making real estate markets where others dared to tread, starting with a $50,000 fixer-upper, and culminating with a $50 million mansion created on speculation. It took me time to learn to overcome the...

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Overcome Heartbreak with Obscenity!

07 March 2014

About a month ago I wrote a piece titled “Doing then Talking vs. Talking then Doing”: In short, the point of the article was some big goals are best kept a secret. Why? Often when we tell others...

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A short interview given from my oceanfront Treehouse office…

26 February 2014

Click here to read the article as it appears in Palm Beach Live-Work  Play:

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