Recent Press

Meet Frank McKinney

We’ve covered a lot of Real Estate over the last 10 years…

14 February 2014

Sure, we have undertaken some pretty amazing oceanfront real estate projects over the last 10 years, but none more important than the 1,155 miles of beach area property my daughter Laura and me covered during our 1,650 consecutive walks...

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Meet Frank McKinney

A 20th and 10th Anniversary and Spring Break…

03 February 2014

I wanted to share some exciting new opportunities for me to see you this month and next. I respect your time, so I’ve bunched them together and promise to be brief: 1) 20th Anniversary! On Thursday, February 13 at 6:30pm I’ll be...

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Doing then talking vs. Talking then doing

30 January 2014

I recently read a good, short book titled “The Little Book of Talent – 52 Tips for Improving Your Skills.” Each chapter or tip is only a page or so long. One stood out; “Tip #51: Keep Your Big...

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Infidel, The Movie – The new Psycho-Spiritual thriller where I was honored to play a controversial lead role is now available on DVD after returning from the International Film Festival circuit where it won numerous awards.

22 January 2014

Infidel, The Movie – the new Psycho-Spiritual thriller where I was humbled and honored to play a controversial lead role is now available on DVD after returning from the International Film Festival circuit where it won numerous awards. This evocative short...

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