Recent Press

Less than 1 month until Christmas…

25 November 2013

One month from today the big guy in the red suit should have already made his way down your chimney (assuming you were good!). While Santa may have the gift giving thing down, if you need some help, I’ve...

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Christmas shopping already? Bah hum bug! I have an easy and unique solution for you…

08 November 2013

Christmas shopping already?? Really?? Well, I guess the easy part is gathering up your list of names for family and friends to shop for. The hard part is trying to decide what to get them for Christmas or Hanukkah...

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Meet Frank McKinney

A recent TED talk that I gave…

06 November 2013

Here is a link to a short TED talk I recently gave: If you are unfamiliar with TED talks, visit It’s where I receive a majority of my continuing education.

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Groundbreaking for our 21st self-sufficient village in 11 years

01 October 2013

I’m excited to announce that our Caring House Project Foundation just began construction on our 21st self-sufficient village in Haiti since 2003! Will you help us complete our new village in Ravine a’ Couleuvre, a small Haitian enclave near...

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