Caring House Project

AT-II by Frank McKinney
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Caring House Project Foundation 2025….

Thanks for considering donating to one of the “Top 6” most frequent donations! This page contains a summary of our Philanthro-Capitalistic efforts in Haiti, and around the world, since 2003 through 2025. This page is a little long, but we’ve accomplished so much in the last 22 years – thanks to your support!

PLEASE DONATE today toward our very aggressive Program of Work for 2025.

We need your help to build our 32nd self-sustaining village in our 27th Haitian city in the last 22 years. Over that span we’ve sheltered and created a self-sufficient existence for 14,400+ desperately poor children and their families.

To be clear, when we say self-sustaining, we mean it. Due to the high unemployment rate in Haiti, we employ ONLY Haitians to build the villages (we take no volunteers) and buy ALL local materials. We import NOTHING into Haiti. In many of the rural areas where we build our villages the unemployment rate can exceed 80%.

Also, we continue to be very involved with domestic homelessness and natural disaster efforts right here in the U.S.

A little more about our 32nd village – The HERO Village in Anse Rouge, Haiti that we’ve started to build.

Very similar to the village we just completed in Jeremie (pictured below), the new village will contain 40 solar-powered concrete homes with separate latrines, a water tower to provide clean drinking water, 40 goats (1 per house), 120 chickens (3 per house), and entrance sign showing the name of each village.

As always, ALL elements of our 2025 village will be provided to the residents at no cost to them.

Donate Now!

Caring house Collage
CHP Before & After

Left: “Before” picture
Right: “After” – A concrete house a family of 8 will receive with your help in 2025!

Mission Statement

“In 2025 and beyond the Caring House Project Foundation shall create projects based upon self-sufficiency by providing housing, food, water, medical support and opportunity for the desperately poor and homeless from around the world, particularly in Haiti and here in the USA.”

Haiti map with CHP houses

Caring House Project Videos

A sampling of Caring House Project videos in Haiti into 2025. For more videos, visit Frank’s YouTube Channel here.

Frank McKinney: Caring House Project Haiti 2025

Frank McKinney’s Caring House Project 2025

Channel 5: Compassion in Haiti

Channel 7: Mission to Haiti

2025 Introduction

Thank you for taking the time to visit our Caring House Project Foundation page specifically written for all we have in store in 2025. My name is Frank McKinney, and I’m a “philanthro-capitalist.” I have spent the last 30+ years creating some of the most magnificent oceanfront estate homes in the world, each created on speculation.

In my 9th book Aspirational Thoughts • Inspirational Images: An Art Gallery & Teacher, A Photography Exhibit & Mentor, I share 135 aspirational thoughts, quotes, and ides, paired with 261 inspirational images (all photos taken by me). These pics are meant to help you remember your favorite quotes. Many of these 396 evocative ideas and images were born from our 25 years in Haiti and the impact we’ve had on over 14,000 Haitian children and their parents.

Our self-sufficient village in Anse Rouge, Haiti will be our 32nd in 22 years.

As far as high-end real estate goes, I created and sold what was to be my “final masterpiece,” 3492 S. Ocean, but decided to come out of retirement to create a new form a real estate artistry, this one a “Mountain Modern” design along the Pigeon River in Canton, NC. This allows me to spend even more time on our Caring House Project in 2025.

Back to Caring House Project, and its work in Haiti in 2025…

Frank, what does all this have to do with Caring House Project and caring for the world’s poor?”

Quite a bit. Stay with with me…

In all, I have written 9 bestselling books, including The Tap.

In The Tap I share the most important spiritual principle for succeeding in the business we are all in, the business of life. I explain how God has tapped me (and taps you, too) many times in life, answering prayers and presenting life-changing opportunities.

The Tap shows how to sensitize yourself to feel then act on your life’s great “Tap Moments,” embracing the rewards and responsibilities of a blessed life.

And that is exactly what happened to me in 2000, when I experienced the most epiphaneous tap moment of my life and acting on that “tap” by starting the Caring House Project Foundation.

All life’s successes are a blessing, but in the end, what’s it all for?

I began by doing my best to live by the life mantra that happens to be a passage from the Bible; Luke 12:48: “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more demanded of the person entrusted with more.”

I felt the best way to live that passage was to start a foundation that cared for those who had no shelter. After all, I’m in the housing business, and felt I should be providing that most basic need to those who have no home.

Stability begins with a home. Without the need of sturdy shelter being met, there is little hope.

What started so small 25+ years ago, providing housing for $1 a month to elderly homeless people here in the United States, has grown tremendously.

CHPF has impacted the poorest of the poor in the countries of Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Indonesia, Africa and here in the U.S.

By the end of 2025 CHPF will have built 32 self-sufficient villages in 27 Haitian cities in the last 22 years, providing a self-sustaining existence to 14,400+ children and their families.

After 30 years, Frank’s (almost) FINAL Masterpiece…

Spreading the word in Haiti in 2025!

CHP logo

Our 2025 Haiti village!

Community Center in our 2024 Haiti village!

Caring House Project in Haiti in 2025

Since 2003 and into 2025, through donors like you, we will have invested $7.1 million into creating self-sufficient villages in Haiti.

With your help, by the end of 2025, CHPF will have built 32 villages in the 26 Haitian cities of Jeremie (3), Bwa Blan, Bertang, Gayatan, Guimbi, Brinet, Tante Jeanne, Ravine a’ Couleuvre, St. Marc (2), Roseaux (2), Anse Rouge (2), Gonaives(2), Port au Prince (Cite Soleil), Testasse, Ft. San Michael, Los Cacaos, Cap Haitian (Blue Hills), Ange Village, Paroty (2), Terre Rouge, Fond Rouge, Torbek, Chameua, Mannual, Makandal and Mahotiere/Rampa all at no cost to the beneficiaries.

Click the following link to see a Google Maps presentation of all of CHPF’s villages in Haiti: CHPF Google Map of Villages

By the end of 2025, a total of 14,400+ children and their families will have been sheltered because of CHPF, and thousands more are alive because of our (and your) efforts.

Donate Now!

A Little More History…

Caring House Project Foundation’s impact started so small, has grown, and continues with your help. Here are a few highlights…

CHPF started domestically in 1998 by purchasing rundown single-family homes, refurbishing them, then renting to elderly homeless people for $1 per month. We are as committed as ever to our domestic efforts, as they continue into 2024.

On 2/11/02 the CHPF earned its non-profit status (501c3).

In 2002, we took our initiative to Leon, Nicaragua, the 2nd poorest country in the Western hemisphere, where we built a village for 156 homeless people and realized we could invest $500+/- and touch a life with new shelter.

In 2003, we built our first village in Haiti for 200 homeless in Cite Soleil, outside Port Au Prince, the poorest city in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.

In February of 2004, we finished a small village for 115 poor & homeless in Choloma, Honduras.

In December 2004, we completed “Village De La Foi (Village of Hope) for over 1000 homeless in Blue Hills, Cap Haitien, Haiti.

In 2005 we built two large villages, one in the Aceh Besar district of Indonesia, an area ravaged by the tsunami and the other in Gonaives, Haiti, a city that was destroyed by the 2004 hurricanes.

Later in 2005 we built a tunnel for safe passage for school children in Brazil. The reason the children needed safe passage in unthinkable and not appropriate for reprinting (email if you’re interested in hearing why we were moved to build this tunnel).

In 2006 we completed Ange Village in Haiti, our first large scale, wholly self-sufficient village combining shelter and care for orphaned children (a “family home” orphanage), education of all village and neighboring children (school), shelter for villagers (homes), clean water (water wells, pumps & storage tanks), renewable food source (an animal husbandry), a building for fellowship and worship (a community center) and a central location for medical aid to be distributed (a clinic).

In 2007 we completed a new 1,900 sq. ft., school in the El Japon community of Choloma, Honduras. The new school now accommodates over 300 children who would have had to cease their education after the 6th grade. Why Choloma, Honduras? As you see from above, in 2004, CHPF created a small village for 20 previously homeless families a few blocks from the school. Now this village is thriving and, with this new found stability, it was time to focus on educating the villagers. In terms of ROD (return on donation), the reward is incalculable.

Scroll above where there are donation options for your consideration.

Also in 2007 CHPF completed “Children’s Village,” a project to protect the street children of Uganda, Africa. The project included constructing 20 rooms in 2 buildings to house and care for 100+ street children in one of the poorest countries in Africa.

Since 1998 and into 2025, here in the United States, we have honored hundreds of donation requests from individuals, causes and organizations such as our 2024 Aspirational Thoughts • Inspirational Images Book Tour: 85-venues, 70-days, 60-cities, 33-states, 11,990-miles, or 2023 26-city, 27-day, 4630-mile Adversitology Book Tour, our 2021 6711-mile, 27-venue, 24-city, 23-day Aspire Book Tour, our 35-venue, 25-city, 21-day 5,506-mile The Other Thief Tour, our 16-city, 24-day, 4,071 mile Survival to Thrival Tour, our 22-city, 6,288 mile Yugo Wego Tour, Kids in Distress, Operation Rescue The Children, Child In Need, Food For The Poor, Christians Reaching Out to Society, The Cooperative Feeding Program, Caring Kitchen, homeless assistance, affordable housing initiatives, hurricane recovery, disaster assistance and the many other miscellaneous requests that come in weekly.

In 2008, as further evidence of our self-sufficient initiative, we completed a village in Los Cacaos, Haiti, near the Dominican Republic boarder, combined 35 double homes, a 2,922 sq. ft. school, a large 2,520 sq. ft. community center (kitchen, feeding area, worship, bank room and pharmacy), a health clinic, renewable food sources to maximize annual yields (goat farm w/ 50 goats, chicken farm w/ 400 chickens, 5 Tilapia fish ponds, vegetable farm w/ 3-1,500 sq. ft. green houses) & related land clearing, construction, fencing, seed & fertilizers, 35 pit latrines, 35 showers and two clean drinking water sources.

In 2008 we also completed our first fishing cooperative in Testasse, Haiti.

Testasse is located on the southeastern peninsular tip of Haiti, 140 miles east of Port-au-Prince and 7 miles from Jeremie. It rarely sees any kind of life-sustaining relief and is one of the poorest cities in the poorest country in the world, where poverty is extreme and housing deplorable.

Testasse (along with most of Haiti) has an infant mortality rate of 22% (22% of the children won’t see their 5th birthday), highest death rate from AIDS in the Western Hemisphere (life expectancy of 47 years), a per person/per day income of less than $1 and an 80% unemployment rate.

We felt that the new village would prosper if its core activity and commerce were centered around a fishing cooperative.

When we were able to identify where a small sprinkling of free enterprise might provide for ongoing, life-sustaining capital, we immediately went to work to provide the opportunity in Testasse:

  1. A fishing cooperative building so that the new villagers have a place to receive, clean, process, display, store and sell their fish. The fishing cooperative is the primary mode of commerce that supports the village. With the many new fiberglass boats and motors CHPF provided, the fisherman are able to venture into deeper waters, bring back larger fish then are able to use the building to prepare, freeze and keep the fish fresh via generators. With this new found ability to conduct commerce, the village has a steady stream of income. The fishing cooperative is comprised of a 1,200+/- sq. ft. concrete building to include a grinder room, prep room, freezer room, two storage rooms, an office for the co-op, 6 15-foot fiberglass boats with 15hp motors (including fuel), 2 freezers and 1 generator.
  2. A 4,800 sq. ft., 10-room School w/ 2 administrative offices, furnishings, school supplies, 4 latrines and 1 water well to serve 500 kindergarten – 9th graders.
  3. A 1,000 sq. ft., Health Clinic and Pharmacy/Dispensary, including a water well to treat the many ill children and adults of the village.
  4. 61 Concrete Homes, each accommodating up to 8 family members. Each home has two bedrooms, living area, front porch and latrine for bathing and toilet facilities.
  5. A 1,100 sq. ft., Community Center for communal meals, fellowship, worship and sharing the good word of God.

See what an impact you can make by supporting CHPF today!

In 2009 we finished our 2nd self-sufficient project in Gonavies, Haiti by providing i) 35 double homes, ii) a  schoolhouse with nine classrooms, office for admin and teachers, iii) a community center, iv) 3 sets of fruit trees to each house, v) 35 goats, vi) 24 milking cows, vii) vegetable and Fruit Trees (1,000 mango; 1,000 avocado trees, and 1,000 breadfruit trees).

Also in 2009, in Kalsegra, West Ghana, Africa, we built a school known as “The School of Two Trees” for 300 K-8th graders. We provided a clinic, sustainable farming and necessary farming equipment.

In 2010 we finished our three villages in Terre Rouge, Fond Rouge Torbek and Paroty, Haiti. These three villages totaled 100 homes, and provided shelter to over 800 men, woman and children who had none before.

Also in 2010 three more self-sufficient villages:

  1. Built a new village in Chameau, Haiti (50 houses, 50 latrines, 50 goats, 100 fruit trees, 1 mule).
  2. Built a new village in Mannuel, Haiti (50 houses, 50 latrines, 50 goats, 100 fruit trees, 1 mule.
  3. Built a new village in Mahotiere/Rampa, Haiti (50 houses, 50 latrines, 50 goats, 100 fruit trees, 1 mule.

Please visit our donation page to make your much needed contribution.

In 2011, CHPF accomplished the following (3 more villages + help in the US):

  1. In Paroty, Haiti, created then built a self-sufficient village that contained 50 homes (housing up to 400 people), sanitation facilities, 1 mule and renewable food sources (fruit trees, goats, chickens, pigs, etc).
  2. In Makandal, Haiti, built a smaller self-sufficient village contained 10 larger homes (housing up to 100 people), sanitation facilities, 1 mule and renewable food sources (fruit trees, goats, chickens, pigs, etc).
  3. Provided expedient emergency relief (cholera, earthquake, etc) in Haiti in the form of food and hundreds of bio-sand water filters producing up to 1000 gallons of clean drinking water a day.
  4. Given the economic challenges domestically, CHPF focused some of its efforts here at home as well, with 10-15% of our donors dollars staying here in the U.S.

In 2012, with the help of the Martel Alliance and Hope to Haiti, we built a seaside village in Anse Rouge, Haiti containing:

  1. 40 concrete houses
  2. 20 concrete latrines
  3. 1 2,000 sq. ft. community center and fishing cooperative
  4. 4 15-foot fiberglass boats w/ 4 15hp motors
  5. 1 generator
  6. 2 freezers
  7. And 1 underground fuel storage tank

In 2013, with your help, Caring House Project Foundation completed the following:

In St Marc (Parish of the Cross) & Roseaux, Haiti…

Provided 150 new concrete homes, 150 concrete latrines, 1 large community center/clinic/school, 150 female goats, 10 large water filtration systems and 600 fruit trees – all at no cost to the villagers! See the before and after photos for 2013 below.

In 2014 Caring House Project finished it’s 21 self-sufficent village in Ravine a’ Couleuvre, a small Haitian enclave near the Town of L’Estere (pop 3,000). RAC now contains 40 concrete/steel homes, 1 – 2,500 sq. ft. concrete church and community center, 20 concrete latrines, 1 water well, 40 water filtration systems, 40 goats and 80 chickens. This new village benefits 400+ children and their families!

Completed in 2015: Guernsey Family Village

The new Guernsey Family Village in Tante Jeanne, Haiti contains a chicken farm for commerce and to allow the village to be self-sufficient, 40 painted concrete and steel homes to accommodate families up to 10 people, 1 painted 2,500 sq. ft. concrete and steel church and community center, 20 concrete and steel latrines, 1 water well, 40 water filtration systems (one per house), 40 solar lights (one per house), and 40 solar stoves (one per house).

This new village benefits 400+ children and their families! All elements of the village will be provided to the residents of The Guernsey Family Village at no cost to them.

2016: Doug Doebler Village, Brinet, Haiti

The Doug Doebler village contains 40 concrete and steel homes to house a total of 400-500 children and their families, 1 large concrete and steel multi-purpose building containing a school/ church/ community center, 20 concrete and steel latrines, water well, water filters, solar lighting, and hundreds of goats and chickens.

2017: Yanik Silver Maverick Village, Guimbi, Haiti

The Yanik Silver Maverick Village is located in Guimbi Haiti, which is about 15 miles southwest of Gonaives and two hours north of the capital city of Port au Prince.

The village will contains 27 concrete and steel homes and ouses a total of 216 children and their families. It has 1 solar powered large concrete and steel multi-purpose building containing a school/ church/ community center, 16 concrete and steel latrines, water filters, solar lighting, and hundreds of goats and chickens.

As always, all elements of the Yanik Silver Maverick Village were provided to the residents at no cost to them.

2018: 2 villages in Bwa Blan and another in Bertang Haiti, known as Robyn’s Nest!

The 2 villages contained a total of 55 concrete and steel homes to house a total of 440 children and their families, 2 solar powered large concrete and steel multi-purpose building containing a school/church/community center, 28 concrete and steel latrines, water filters, solar lighting, and thousands of goats, chickens & fruit trees.

All elements of the three villages will be provided to the residents at no cost to them.

2019-2021: The Child Rescue Coalition Village and the Real Estate Worldwide Village in Gayatan, Haiti!

These 2 villages contain a total of 44 concrete houses, 1 shared concrete community center, 11 4-stall latrines with 44 total bathroom stalls, 1 solar array for the community center, 44 goats, 44 water filters, 2 entrance signs, 88 fruit trees, and 88 chickens. As always, all elements of the two villages will be provided to the residents at no cost to them.

2022-2023: The Mark Evans DM Family Village in Roseaux, Haiti.

50 solar-powered concrete homes each with a micro-flush toilet + 150 gallon cistern, community center (school, church, clinic), water tank to hold 1000 gallons of clean water, solar power in the community center to include lighting and plugs for phone charging, security wall, 50 goats (1 per house), 100 fruit trees (2 per house), 100 chickens (2 per house) and entrance sign showing the name of the village.

2024: Our 31st self-sustaining Haiti village, The Family Village, 40 solar-powered concrete homes with separate latrines, a water tower to provide clean drinking water, 40 goats (1 per house), 120 chickens (3 per house), and entrance sign showing the name of each village.

2025: The HERO Village in Anse Rouge, and we need your help!