2025 Donation Page

Thanks for donating to one of the “Top 6” most frequent donations! This page contains a summary of our Philanthro-Capitalistic efforts in Haiti, and around the world, since 2003 and into 2025. This page is a little long, but we’ve accomplished so much – thanks to you and your support!

Donate $20
Donate $100
Donate $250
Donate $1200
Donate $2400
Donate $4800

Below you’ll find 74 donation options in support of Frank’s Caring House Project Foundation’s 2025 efforts. While 74 options are a lot, they’re separated into 8 categories; housing, food, water, orphanages, schools, clinics, community centers and miscellaneous. With donations ranging from $4.75 to $240,000, donate where you want to make an impact!

If you scroll to the bottom of the donation options you’ll find simple $1000, $500, $250, $100, $50, $20, and $10 donation options for 2025.

PLEASE DONATE today toward our very aggressive Program of Work for 2025.

We need your help to build our 31st and 32nd self-sustaining village in our 26th Haitian city in the last 22 years. Over that span we’ve sheltered and created a self-sufficient existence for 14,400+ desperately poor children and their families.

To be clear, when we say self-sustaining, we mean it. Due to the high unemployment rate in Haiti, we employ ONLY Haitians to build the villages (we take no volunteers) and buy ALL local materials. We import NOTHING into Haiti. In many of the rural areas where we build our villages the unemployment rate can exceed 80%.

Also, we continue to be very involved with domestic homelessness and natural disaster efforts right here in the U.S.

A little more about our 32nd village – The HERO Village in Anse Rouge, Haiti that we’ve started to build.

Very similar to the village we just completed in Jeremie (pictured below), the new villages will contain 80 solar-powered concrete homes with separate latrines, a water tower to provide clean drinking water, 80 goats (1 per house), 240 chickens (3 per house), and entrance sign showing the name of each village.

As always, ALL elements of the 2025 village will be provided to the residents at no cost to them.

2 rooms, kitchen, front porch, solar power, micro-flush toilet + 150-gallon cistern

A Little Something Extra
Make a donation to The Caring House Project Foundation of $100 or more and I will send you a copy of any one of my 8 bestselling books on our online store page. Please specify which book you would like and I will personally autograph it for you or someone you love.

God Bless,

Frank McKinney

Twelve 4-room homes housing 12 orphans & two adult caregivers: 168 lives touched

Agricultural Project: 500+ lives touched

Approximately 400 students

Building | Medicine | Supplies | Examination tables | Scales… 1000’s of lives saved

Building for fellowship, worship and communal meals: 250 person capacity

Caring House Family

Pumps | Wells | Storage tanks and sanitation units thousands of lives touched

Frank, I want to share my blessings with those less fortunate in 2025. I want you and your Board of Directors to decide where the need is the greatest!

Mme Jean-Louis ap viv man Caring House Blue Hills Pou Li Meme, Se pi bon bagay ki jan’m rive pou li. Yon kay li fe m’sante mwem an sekirite, lidi peson-n pap mete zafe-m deyo anko.

Mrs. Jean Louis lives in a completed village known as The Caring House Village, a village for over 1,000 previously homeless in Blue Hills, Cap Haitien, Haiti. Translated, Jean says: “This is the best thing that ever happened to me. This home makes me feel safe. No one will ever kick me out or hurt me again.”

We need your help to build our new self-sustaining village in Anse Rouge, Haiti in 2025!