Highlight reel from the Red Carpet!

21 February 2023

Watch moviegoer’s reactions from the IPIC Theater premiere of our short film “Escape to Pigeon River + listen to them share their own “moonshots.”


Here’s a montage video from the IPIC Theater premiere of our short film:
“Escape to Pigeon River”

Watch moviegoer’s reactions + listen to them share their own “moonshots.”

Maybe you’ll see something that inspires you to take YOUR big moonshot in life…

Per my contract with the theater, I have to wait 15 days after Escape to Pigeon River’s theater release to share the movie on my YouTube channel. So, around December 1st I’ll post the movie and share the link!

Photos from Ipic event

I want to thank Matthew Maschler of Signature Real Estate Finder for being the VIP sponsor of Escape to Pigeon River through his generous donation to Caring House Project.

At the iPic Event

Enjoy the highlight reel and Happy Thanksgiving!

P.S. There’s a cryptic graphic inserted at the very end – something new…