Let’s rise above Irma, stand tall in the face of fear and devastation

13 September 2017

PLEASE SHARE…Let’s rise above Irma, stand tall in the face of fear. How? “To Whom Much Is Entrusted, Much Is Expected.”
To many, the added expense of Irma will create a hardship. While our Caring House Project (www.chpf.org) builds self-sufficient villages in Haiti (24 in 14 years), we also help those here at home.
We’ll be at Walmart at 3625 S. Federal in Boynton from 3-6pm TODAY buying hurricane supplies on the spot and helping load for you. If you, someone you know, or others in your church need help, PLEASE pass this along.
Remember, you cannot brighten another’s path without lighting your own. We could all use a little light right now. Like many in S. Florida, I’m scared. But there are others who will always be more afraid than you. So turn off the TV, come on out and let’s help them.
Questions? Post ’em right here.
So, look for me on top of the bright red 1979 Jeep Cherokee Chief from 3-6pm today at Walmart (3625 S. Federal Hwy, Boynton) and feel The Tap!
P.S. If you have extra supplies you can spare we’ll use the back of the Jeep as our distribution center!