Part 3 titled “Personal Renaissance – Undo the Undone: Fill In Your Blanks & GO!”

27 December 2012
Part 3: Personal Renaissance–Undo the Undone: Fill In Your Blanks & Go!
Last month, in Part 2, we identified the areas or aspects of your life that will benefit from and make up your Personal Renaissance. For a refresher, here’s a link to Part 2:, and to the Introduction contained in Part 1:
Here were your three action items from Part 2:
1) Print out and display the definitions of a Personal Renaissance and Undo the Undone in a place or places where you will see them at least 5 times during your day.
2) Create your individual priority sheet titled “My Renaissance” that addresses the three areas or aspects of i) spiritual/mental/physical integrity & growth, ii) your professional highest calling, and iii) undo your undone.
3) Create your own “Vision Statement for My Renaissance.”
Examples of 2 and 3 that I use can be found on our FaceBook group page under “Files:”!/groups/175655922572499/
Now that you have your blank “My Renaissance” sheet, your “Vision Statement for My Renaissance” and have taken the time to contemplate and commit to them, let’s determine your first entries into your boxes, then get going with them! Start! Implement! Execute!
By the way, the process of filling in your first boxes should not take too long at all. If you’re reading this before the end of the year, you’ll have no problem finishing in time to start January 1.
Don’t worry if the following explanation for filling in your first entries seems a bit confusing. Be patient, as I’ve uploaded a “Sample My Renaissance sheet” that will make it much clearer for you. See the“Sample My Renaissance sheet” on the FaceBook group page referenced above by clicking on “Files,” or email or message me for a copy. Print it now and have close for reference.
These first entries will be critical to the ultimate success of your Personal Renaissance. Remember, I am doing this in real time with you, yet am about two months ahead of where you are. What I want to make sure happens is for you to gain confidence by “banking” some early successes with your first few entries. The way to do this is to be sure they are not overly ambitious – not yet – and to give yourself plenty of time to implement them in order to increase your chance of success.
There is one exception regarding not being too ambitious just yet, the first entry in your first box…
This is about turning around to the imaginary chalkboard of life and preparing to erase what you want cleansed from your being. To use a more technical metaphor, it’s about rebooting, but doing so not just by hitting restart, but also by turning off your internal hard drive altogether, taking it out and cleansing it in the purest manner you can imagine.
Remember the reference last month… “the human cell is 1/1000th of an inch across, yet it contains DNA instructions that would fill a thousand books at 600 pages apiece! Thus, this is not something that should be pursued with haste, lest it will fail like so many other efforts in self-improvement. Those billions of cells have been embedded with DNA containing thoughts, actions and behavior that you want to alter. You’ve lived a certain way for so long, it takes time to conceive the far-reaching impact of a successful Personal Renaissance. I want this to last, and succeed for me and for you, in perpetuity.”
So for my first box (I know this may sound a bit extreme), and I’ll certainly provide alternatives to what I did, I chose to undergo an actual full mind, body and spirit “master cleanse,” or super cleanse for 6 consecutive days. My first box (top left) read only “Complete Cleanse.” Please do your own research or read here for a good summary of what the “master cleanse” or super cleanse is all about: Do not start this without first consulting with your doctor.
I had completed this cleanse quite a few times in the past and felt that it would be the best way to really restart my mental, physical and spiritual components and get me ready for the challenges and opportunities to follow. The key here is to break the circuitry of unproductive habit, a sort of shock therapy to jolt you from your impediments and clear the way for all the good that you have laid out in front of you.
I find that the master cleanse touches and clears all three aspects (spiritual/physical/mental) simultaneously. While I was performing this most important (and difficult) first element, I did not try to tackle anything else until my first box was successfully completed 6 days later. I wanted to devote my full energy to the cleansing process before moving to the rebuilding. I didn’t even look at My Renaissance sheet for those 6 days, although I had already filled it in, with 10 of 15 available boxes awaiting my action.
Here are some alternatives should you not want to pursue the master/super cleanse, with your “big picture” objective being to break the circuitry of unproductive habit:
1) Sit in a sauna or steam room on 6 consecutive days and meditate on your Vision Statement for My Renaissance and the action items on your My Renaissance sheet.
2) Go to a remote yet somewhat unfamiliar place outdoors (beach, mountains, under a bridge, by a creek, lake, botanical garden, greenhouse, etc.) and perform the same meditation.
3) Receive a massage every day for 6 days by having a different body part worked on, all the while performing the same meditative exercise.
4) Eat healthily, but drink only water for the six days. With each glass, visualize the cleansing of unproductive habit from your body.
5) Return to a place of your childhood and perform the same meditative exercise for 6 days.
Whatever you choose, you must stick with it for a minimum of 6 consecutive days to allow the circuitry to clear TYT. Notice that each cleansing option (the cleanse that I did or the five alternatives) promotes then induces an actual physical cleanse, which leads to the mental purifying, and finally spiritual clarity. Once complete, you will be completely ready to begin the rebuilding, rebranding and resurrecting you desire.
Okay Frank, I’ve identified what my cleanse will be and have entered it into my top left box. Now, what about my other boxes?
Remember, you have three headings above your Specific Goals. The first one should read “Spiritual/ Mental/ Physical Integrity & Growth.” Box #1 under that heading is now filled in with your cleanse. This top position for each of your recurring monthly My Renaissance sheets will always be the most important initiative for that area. That is why there is a “#1” there.
Rather than moving down to box #2, you should move from left to right across the page. You’ll now create the objective for your second heading, which represents your professional highest calling – what you do or want to do for a living, your money column. (My second heading is “Minimalist Mansions/Ocean Apple Estate.”) Immediately below this heading, still in box #1, is this month’s most important initiative in the pursuit of your renaissance for that heading. Take your time here TYT, as this is a big entry.
Once you’ve filled that in, continue to move to the right to your third area, still in box #1, “Undo the Undone.” Go ahead and really think about the most important initiative that you will undertake this month to move toward ultimately satisfying the completed definition of “Undoing your Undone.”
Okay, now you should have all three of your #1 boxes (first priorities) filled in across the top under each heading.
As you drop to box #2, enter a capital “S” for Spiritual in the very top left of the box. Next to the S, write the second most important initiative for the month for column one. (We didn’t do this in box #1, because the cleanse addressed all three–spiritual, mental, and physical—but here, you’ll define specific initiatives for each.) Again,TYT, take your time. This should be something spiritual. So it would look something like “S – Pray for strength to complete MR” (MR = My Renaissance). Right under this short entry, but still in box #2, write “M,” and then the second most important Mental initiative for the month, so “M – Finish FM Series.” This was where I chose to listen to my own Frank McKinney’s Succeeding in the Business of Life audio tape, The “M” initiatives should represent some form of mental broadening. Immediately beneath that, but still in box #2, write “P” that will represent your second most important Physical initiative. “P – Start new eating habit.” For me I began eating Vegan about four months ago, and this was my first entry in order to keep me true to the undertaking.
Once you have box #2 filled in with the three “S,” “M,” and “P’s,” go ahead and move to the right, your professional highest calling or money column. Here, you’re going to enter only one initiative that represents your second most important initiative in your renaissance and involving what you do or want to do for a living. TYT. Although this is the second most important initiative for a very important column, where you make your money, it is still crucial to the ultimate completion of your renaissance. Remember, I’m suggesting you take a full month to execute from and complete your My Renaissance sheet, therefore you might be working simultaneously on this second initiative as you work on others. From here, move to the right for “Undo the Undone,” and apply the same importance to the second initiative here.
I think you are getting the hang of it by now. Once you have box #2 done, move to box #3, and again enter S (Spiritual), M (Mental) and P (Physical). Continue with your professional highest calling (money column), and then your “Undo the Undone” initiative. Keep working this way, left to right, and then down.
By now you should have nine boxes filled in with a total 13 initiatives (7 in column 1, 3 in column 2, and 3 in column 3).
If you are a little confused, take a breath. See an uploaded “Sample My Renaissance sheet” on the Personal Renaissance – Undo the Undone FaceBook group page under “Files:”!/groups/175655922572499/ or just email or message me for a copy. Once you have this sample sheet in front of you it all becomes clear.
Frank, do I really need to fill in all 3 areas in all 5 boxes? That would be a total of 23 initiatives for the month, assuming I use the “S,” “M,” and “Ps!”
The answer will vary based upon how involved your entries become. In my first month, I had a total of 14 initiatives. In my second month, I had 15 initiatives, and in my 3rd month, I had 18 initiatives.
What’s important TYT is that you see each entered initiative as moving you toward your ultimate goal, that being the successful completion of your Renaissance by July, 2013!
Did I mention Go! Start! Implement! Execute!? No waiting once you have your entries. No more planning, or preparing, it’s time to progress toward the successful completion of your Renaissance!
Now that you have what you feel is an appropriate number of boxes filled in with your most important initiatives identified, be sure you have a green highlighter handy (remember, green means go!).
Whenever you complete an initiative, highlight it in green. Don’t worry if, at the end of the month, you don’t complete all of your initiatives.Even I did not complete all of my initiatives each month! Do not beat yourself up over any uncompleted initiatives!
Look how many I missed: During my first month, I did not complete 2 of my 14 initiatives; in month two, I didn’t complete 3 of my 15; and in month 3, I missed 5 of 18. But the ones I did complete (37 out of 47) to my satisfaction really made a difference in moving me closer to the successful completion of my Personal Renaissance.
You will notice at the very bottom of your My Renaissance sheet, you have a “Notes” section. Use this space for jotting down ideas for new initiatives for the next month. Do not add initiatives during the month once they have been established. Just stick with what you started the month with. You can add any new ones to the following month. At the very bottom of the sheet there is a comment; “Review Vision Statement For My Renaissance Often!” This is a reminder to reread your Vision Statement to keep the passion fire lit when it dims, and it will.
The last exercise to perform with your My Renaissance sheet as you progress through the month involves introspection. Recall Socrates’ great quote: “The unexamined life is not worth living.”
Periodically throughout the month, I want you to turn over your legal-sized piece of paper and jot down your thoughts on how you feel you are doing in progressing toward the completion of the initiatives on the front. What successes and set backs are you experiencing? I would typically do this every week or so, or when I felt I had a significant breakthrough or challenge. Don’t wait until day 30 to summarize the month or you’ll forget some of the milestones you hit or missed.
In the coming months I’ll encourage you to look back and read about your progress by using these built-in journals. Even when you have successfully completed your Personal Renaissance, looking back later in 2013 and reading about your successes and challenges will be quite enjoyable!
Your action items for this month are spelled out in detail above. Always refer to the definitions of Personal Renaissance and Undo the Undone when performing them.
1) TYT
2) Fill in the boxes in your My Renaissance sheet with initiatives in order of importance under each of your 3 columns: i) spiritual/mental/physical integrity & growth, ii) your professional highest calling, and iii) undo your undone. Print out the “Sample My Renaissance sheet” to help you with this exercise.
3) Go! Start! Implement! Execute! No waiting once you have your entries. No more planning or preparing!
4) TYT
5) Periodically use the back of your My Renaissance sheet for introspection – how are you doing this month?
You are now well on your way. The most important elements are TYT, do, reflect. In next month’s Part 4, I will address what to do when the passion fire seems to be dimming, when the blush is wearing off the rose. It happened to me, it will happen to you. I got through it, so will you.
See you soon for Part 4 – Personal Renaissance – Undo the Undone: Keeping the Passion Fire Lit

Feel The Tap,