Personal Renaissance – Undo the Undone: Introduction

15 November 2012

Personal Renaissance – Undo the Undone…

Want to discover and pursue a “Personal Renaissance” with me as I consciously pursue one of my own for the first time in my life? My most significant and comprehensive undertaking to date? Oh, and we’ll be doing it together in real time.

Starting today, and recurring on a monthly basis through July 2013, I will be sharing with you how to achieve a Personal Renaissance through re-branding, re-building, re-making, re-connecting and even “re-surrecting.”

This month I am going to define Personal Renaissance – Undo the Undone for you. Remember, we will be doing this together in real time, as I have yet to complete the entire process myself.

The process of Personal Renaissance is an important life concept I have been working on since July of 2012.

Given the setbacks, failures, challenges and obstacles to “succeeding in the business of life” being the most daunting and formidable in all my years in business, as an author, and as one who teaches others, I felt now is the best time to take you on a eight month transformative journey, and use me as your test subject with the belief that you too will be able to successfully complete a Personal Renaissance.

What is a “Personal Renaissance?”

As you can gather from the words; Rebrand, Rebuild and even Resurrect, it is the remaking of and reconnection with all that was, is and will be great about you, and exceeding your known definition of greatness in the process. Looking at the words in terms of a Renaissance man or woman, you must gain expertise that spans different subject areas, and work to acquire profound knowledge or proficiency in more than one field to succeed at the pursuit of a Personal Renaissance. Therefore, as you will see in the coming months, a Personal Renaissance should touch more than just one aspect of your life. As a matter of fact, it must, or you will not succeed at your pursuit of it.

The opportunity to successfully complete a Personal Renaissance does not come around often, perhaps only a handful of times in our lives. To effect lasting personal growth, and to go as far as altering your DNA (the moving from inspiration to aspiration) in order to change the mind of fate itself are the results of a successful Personal Renaissance. Focused thought, unswerving commitment.

Frank, what does the part; “Undo the Undone”mean?

I believe finishing something significant that you started, began and failed at, thought you had pursued for the last time, or turning a longstanding dream into a reality are important criteria of a Personal Renaissance.Therefore, undoing an initiative that is undone simply means reversing or altering an initial outcome and completing it beyond your initial expectations.

So, without knowing if the pursuit of my renaissance will succeed, beginning December 1, I invite you to experience this odyssey with me so you too can seek your own renaissance, and learn from my successes and failures as I pursue mine.

You don’t need to subscribe or sign up, since this isn’t yet a formal “program,” and there’s no cost at all. You can do it with me, do it at your own pace, wait until I’m done to start yours, just follow along when you feel the interest, or hit delete and forget about it.

First up I’ll be helping you identify the areas or aspects of your life that will benefit from and will make up your Personal Renaissance. Be thinking about this. Share this with family and friends so they can take the journey with you. See you on December 1…

You might be asking, “Why not just start today?” Because I want you to really focus on and absorb the definition of Personal Renaissance – Undo the Undone for the next two weeks. This isn’t a process that will produce results overnight. After all, you’ve lived a certain way for so long, it will take time to conceive the far reaching impact of a successful Personal Renaissance. I want this to last, and succeed for me and for you, in perpetuity. Be patient.

P.S. Each edition will be shared on a monthly basis, will be short (except for December’s), to the point, not “new-agey” and easily actionable. While a Personal Renaissance is important to your life, the last thing we need is more stuff to do!

Also, join our Facebook “Personal Renaissance – Undo the Undone” group page. We’ll use this interactive forum to share our challenges & progress. I’ll post the monthly updates there too around the 1st of each month:

Feel The Tap,