Pray with me for a successful and faith-filled 7th finish at the Death Valley Badwater 135-mile Ultramarathon.

16 July 2012

By the time you read this I will have likely started my 7th Death Valley Badwater 135-mile Ultramarathon.

If you want to follow the race, and my progress in real time, click the link below. There you will find a webcast, Twitter and YouTube updates and Instagram posts. Remember, the location is very remote, so the Race Director’s updates will be a bit delayed:

Don’t forget the Treehouse Lunch contest/challenge that is open until 6:00am PST on Tuesday! The winner & a guest will be invited to have lunch with me in my oceanfront Treehouse Office in Florida:***

Assuming I am blessed with a 7th finish, how long do you think it will take me to finish the Death Valley race?

To help you formulate your guess:

1) The time limit to finish the race is 48 hours. After that, I am disqualified.

2) My best time is 40 hours 20 minutes 50 seconds. My worst time is 48 hours 49 minutes and 20 seconds (cut off was 60 hours).

You may email me with you guess, or post it on my FaceBook page or Twitter.

My Treehouse Office has a spectacular oceanview out of 12 windows. It also has a shower, bathroom, sink, air-conditioning, hardwood floors, cedar walls, a bamboo desk, loft with a king size bed and a flat screen TV, and a suspension bridge that connects to the master bedroom of the main house – all in 220 square feet!

I choose to “selectively suffering a little for those who are suffering a lot in Haiti,” where our Caring House Project Foundation will complete its 18th self-sufficient village. I am running the Death Valley race to raise money for our Caring House Project Foundation.

If you are so moved, I, and those who benefit from CHPF, would sincerely appreciate a $1 per-mile donation or other amount in support of my Death Valley effort. This is our Caring House Project Foundation’s primary fund-raiser for 2012. $1 per mile, or $135, will buy 1,350 meals in Haiti!

*** For each $135 donation you make, your finish time guess will be moved closer to my actual finish time by 1 minute. Example: Actual finish time is 47 hours, 59 minutes and 30 seconds. Your guess was 47 hours, 57 minutes and 30 seconds. You donate $135. Your guess would be moved up to 47 hours, 58 minutes and 30 seconds, putting you within 1 minute of my actual finish time! Should you donate $270 your guess will be moved closer by 2 minutes, donate $1,350 and it’s moved closer by 10 minutes, and so on.

The Badwater Death Valley Ultramarathon starts at 282 feet below sea level, the lowest point in the Western Hemisphere. Air temperatures are 130+ degrees, while ground temps on the blacktop road are 200+ degrees. The course traverses 135 NON-STOP miles through the Mojave, up then back down three mountain ranges (46 total uphill miles), and finishes nearly 8,500 feet above sea level. There are no aid stations.

Below are 3 donation options. If you would prefer not to donate online, you can mail your donation to Caring House Project Foundation, P.O. Box 388 Boynton Beach, FL 33425. Or call Nilsa at 561.722.3950 and make your donation over the phone. Please be patient, as she is in Death Valley with me.

Donate $1 for every mile of my 2012 Death Valley race, or $135. I ask that you help those who can’t help themselves. Please consider more than “1” in the quantity box if donating online. For every $135 you donate you will provide 1,350 meals for the most desperately poor and homeless in Haiti.

Donate $10 for every mile, or $1,350. Should you choose this option you will have built 1/2 of a concrete home in Haiti. Talk about “ROD” – Return On Donation!

Donate $30 for every mile, or $4,050. This donation will have a huge impact in Haiti. You will have built one brand new concrete home for a family of 8 who were living in a mud or cardboard shack.Your home will have 2 rooms, kitchen, front porch and bathroom.PLUS you will provide 13,500 meals! The ultimate donation for the ultimate race!

To see a short, brand new YouTube video showing what Caring House Project Foundation is doing in Haiti click here:

To read more about what I endure at Badwater, my last year’s race summary will give you a pretty good idea. Visit to experience Badwater for yourself!

Be sure to submit you guess for my finish time for a chance to have lunch in my oceanfront Treehouse Office! Move your guess closer to my actual finish time by donating $135 or more!

Feel The Tap…,