You’re Invited! Red Carpet Private Screening of “Infidel” – A Psycho-Spiritual Thriller! December 29, 6:00 or 8:00pm.

21 November 2012

You’re Invited – Red Carpet Private Screening of “Infidel” – A Psycho-Spiritual Thriller!

While certainly a challenge for me, I was humbled by playing an evocative lead role in the new film, “Infidel.”

The Red Carpet Private Screening is December 29, with two shows, 6:00 or 8:00pm.

You and your friends are invited to be the first to screen this important short film before it heads to the Cannes, Venice, Toronto and Sundance Film Festivals. At the screening we will seek your feedback prior to the film receiving its final Director’s cut.

There is NO COST to attend, yet seating is very limited, that’s why you are receiving the invitation early. Our Caring House Project Foundation is benefiting from your voluntary donation, Suggested donation is $25 per person.

If you donate $100 or more you will be seated in the first few rows and be invited to a VIP gathering of the Director, Producer, All-Star Cast and Crew backstage after the screening. Please make checks to Caring House Project. We will have credit card machines available.

To learn more about the film, where is will be screened, see the trailer, and to RSVP visit:!/events/437333902992859/?fref=ts

Feel The Tap,