Recent Press

Frank plays lead role in “Infidel, a psycho-spiritual thriller – Red Carpet Private Screening 12/29 – You’re Invited!

31 October 2012

Frank plays a lead role in the “Psycho-Spiritual Thriller” movie… “Infidel”  Here is a short press release for Infidel, followed by a video. A few paragraphs down you can read how this unusual opportunity came about for me, and...

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Sharing with you in November…

23 October 2012

I always try to respect your time, and share only what I think you might have an interest in. I’ve got a few things coming up in November that, if of interest, you might want to put on your...

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25 Years in 25 Minutes…a most comprehensive TV interview…

13 October 2012

I even learned things about me that I didn’t know… If you didn’t know me before, you certainly will after this recent interview on the well known New York City TV program Profiles. Likely one of the most comprehensive short interviews I have ever been...

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An Old Series…Something I Rediscovered for the First Time…

20 September 2012

“An Old Series…Something I Rediscovered for the First Time…” It’s been awhile since I corresponded with you. So much useless information lands in our in-boxes that I try to only write you when I have something I think might interest you....

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