Recent Press

Coming Today, November 15, 5:00pm EST…

14 November 2012

Personal Renaissance – Undo the Undone… Would you like to discover and pursue a “Personal Renaissance” with me as I consciously pursue one of my own for the first time in my life? My most significant and comprehensive undertaking to...

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Frank McKinney’s Caring House Mission to aid in New York/New Jersey: Accomplished!

05 November 2012

Thank You! In 26 hours, with your help, we… Caring House Project Foundation pulled out of our South Florida driveway at 7:00pm on Saturday, November 3 with a large box truck filled with Hurricane Sandy relief supplies headed for New York/New...

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Frank McKinney’s Caring House heads to New York/New Jersey to aid in a unique way…

03 November 2012

Compassion Without Action Is A Waste of Emotion…  Caring House Project Foundation is building its 19th and 20th self-sufficient village in Haiti as we enter 2013, CHPF was there 40 hours after the 2010 earthquake, responded within days of...

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Frank plays lead role in “Infidel, a psycho-spiritual thriller – Red Carpet Private Screening 12/29 – You’re Invited!

31 October 2012

Frank plays a lead role in the “Psycho-Spiritual Thriller” movie… “Infidel”  Here is a short press release for Infidel, followed by a video. A few paragraphs down you can read how this unusual opportunity came about for me, and...

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